


▲白天观美景,晚上赏大戏。连日来,武陵源《魅力湘西》民俗演艺大戏场场爆满,原生态民俗文化点亮暑期夜经济。据统计,今年1至6月,《魅力湘西》共演出355场,接待中外观演游客72.09万人。 张洪涛 摄 View the beautiful scenery during the day and enjoy the big show at night. Over the past few days, Wulingyuan "Charming Xiangxi" folk performance theater has been full, and the original ecological folk culture lights up the summer night economy. According to statistics, from January to June this year, "Charming Xiangxi" was performed 355 times for 720,900 tourists from home and abroad. Photographed by Zhang Hongtao

▲清晨,在桑植县南滩草场,一缕金色朝阳从云隙中泄撒山岚,云海在山岚间缓缓流动,宛如仙境一般。 满煌 黄岳云 摄 In the early morning, in the Nantan Grassland of Sangzhi County, a ray of golden sun shines through the gaps in the clouds, and the sea of clouds flows slowly among the mountains, like a fairyland. Photographed by Man Huang & Huang Yueyun

▲7月21日上午,张家界宝峰湖景区,几名游客在高峡飞瀑前观景赏鱼,感受人与自然的和谐,体验清凉假期。 邓道理 摄 On the morning of July 21, in the Zhangjiajie Baofeng Lake scenic area, several tourists were viewing the scenery and fishes in front of the Gaoxia Waterfall, feeling the harmony between man and nature, and experiencing a cool holiday. Photographed by Deng Daoli

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