6月2日,一批韩国游客在张家界宝峰湖景区开心留影。5月份张家界与韩国釜山、大邱恢复直航后,张家界韩国游客开始逐步增多。据了解,6月份张家界还将开通至韩国清州、务安等城市直飞航班,届时韩国游客往返张家界将更为快捷便利。 邓道理 摄 On June 2nd, a group of Korean tourists are taking photos in the Baofeng Lake scenic area of Zhangjiajie. Since the direct flights from Pusan and Daegu, Korea to Zhangjiajie was resumed in May, the number of Korean tourists in Zhangjiajie has increased gradually. It is known that Zhangjiajie will open direct flights to Chungju and Muan, Korea in June, which will make it more convenient for Korean tourists to travel to Zhangjiajie. Photographed by Deng Daoli
近日,一场大雨过后,一团团雨雾就像薄纱“穿在”慈利县城高耸的楼房上空,远处的山上也是雨雾涌动,使整个县城置身于一幅水墨丹青画中。 黄岳云 寇彪 摄 Recently, after a heavy rain, masses of rain mist look like gauzes WORN on the high buildings in Cili County Town, and the rain mist surges over the distant mountains, immersing the entire county town in an ink painting. Huang Yueyun & Kou Biao/Pictures
5月26日,张家界国家森林公园十里画廊,观光电车巡检员在巡检电车运行轨道,保障接待安全。 吴勇兵 摄 On May 26th, at the Shili Gallery of the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, tourist tram inspectors are inspecting the tram rails to ensure safety. Photographed by Wu Yongbing