


Nantan·Sunrise From the Sea of Clouds

桑植南滩的云海日出,总是让人印象深刻。在那里,你可以见证太阳升起的过程,逐渐高升的太阳给云海镀上美妙无比的金边 ,远处的轮廓逐渐清晰一望无际。虽然天气变幻多端,但是云海和日出总是能够给人带来无限的喜悦。 向金次 摄

The sunrise from the sea of clouds in Sangzhi Nantan is always impressive, where you can witness the process of the sunrise, the gradually rising sun gilds the sea of clouds with a wonderful golden edge, and the distant contour gradually becomes clear and endless. Although the weather is unpredictable, the sea of clouds and sunrise always bring infinite joy to people.

Photographed by Xiang Jinci

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