5月2日,张家界国家森林公园十里画廊,林木葱郁,观光电车穿行其间。 吴勇兵 摄 On May 2nd, the Shili Gallery in the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park is covered in lush trees, and the sightseeing trams are passing through it. Photographed by Wu Yongbing
“五一”期间,集溶洞探险、峡谷徒步、攀岩等多种探险方式于一体的张家界槟榔谷景区,吸引了一批露营爱好者。 满煌 摄 During the Labor Day holiday, the Zhangjiajie Binglang Valley scenic area, which is integrated with various exploration modes, such as cave exploration, canyon hiking and rock climbing, has attracted a group of camping enthusiasts. Photographed by Man Huang
5月3日傍晚,一场大雨过后,晚霞穿过云层洒向天子山景区,御笔峰伫立在云海之中,蔚为壮观。 张洪涛 钟青浓 摄 On the evening of May 3rd, after a heavy rain, the afterglow shines through the clouds to the Tianzi Mountain scenic area, and the Yubi Peak stands in the sea of clouds, creating a magnificent sight. Photographed by Zhang Hongtao & Zhong Qingnong