


3月3日,湖南南滩国家草原自然公园春景迷人,云海仙境展现在人们的眼前,绚丽多彩的天空,平静如湖的云海,如诗如画! 向金次 摄 March 3, the spring scenery of Hunan Nantan National Grassland Natural Park is charming, and the sea of clouds is displayed again as a fairyland in front of people。 The colorful sky and the sea of clouds as calm as a lake look like poems and paintings! Photographed by Xiang Jinci

◀ 3月2日,永定区谢家垭乡雷家山的晨雾渐离,视线所及满眼绿意,原始古朴的吊脚楼错落有致。 吴光明 摄 March 2, the morning fog of Leijia Mountain, Xiejiaya Township, Yongding District, is dissipating gradually, the sight is full of green, and the primitive and simple stilted buildings are scattered properly。 Photographed by Wu Guangming

▲雨过天晴,澧水河旁的笔架山雾气腾腾,映照在澧水河面若隐若现。 郝继铭 摄 After the rain, the Bijia Mountain by the Lishui River is misty, and partly reflected on the Lishui River。 Photographed by Hao Jiming

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