


穿着古装去黄石寨打卡 A Gift for Check-in Huangshizhai in National Costume ▲张家界黄石寨索道公司日前对外宣布启动“国风打卡黄石寨”活动,凡是2月15日至3月底之间身着汉服或旗袍游览黄石寨景区的游客,可以享受免票往返乘坐黄石寨索道待遇。 “弘扬传统文化,畅享春日梅景”,张家界黄石寨索道公司举办此次“国风打卡”活动,旨在让广大游客更好地感受春天的气息,呼吸“中国大氧吧”张家界最新鲜的空气。参与游客只要拍摄黄石寨景区图片或视频添加话题“国风打卡黄石寨”“峡谷梅花”“不上黄石寨枉到张家界”并添加定位“张家界国家森林公园”,发布于抖音、快手、微信、微博、小红书等社交平台,即可在公司办公室办理黄石寨索道往返免票。据了解,立春以来,张家界黄石寨梅园近千株梅花树已经竞相开放,姹紫嫣红,十分妖娆,成为景区一道靓丽的风景。 邓道理 摄 Zhangjiajie Huangshizhai Cableway Company recently announced the launch of the "National Style Check-in Huangshizhai" campaign. Visitors who wear Hanfu or cheongsam to visit the Huangshizhai scenic spot between February 15 and the end of March can enjoy free tickets to take the Huangshizhai cableway. “Carry forward the traditional culture and enjoy the plum scenery in spring", Zhangjiajie Huangshizhai Cableway Company held this "National Style Check-in" activity, aiming to let tourists better feel the breath of spring and breathe the freshest air in Zhangjiajie. "China's Great Oxygen Bar" Participating tourists only need to take pictures or videos of Huangshizhai scenic spot and add the topics "National Style checks in Huangshizhai", "Canyon Plum Blossoms", "If you don't go to Huangshizhai, you will go to Zhangjiajie" and add the location "Zhangjiajie National Forest Park", post it on Douyin, Kuaishou, WeChat, Weibo, Xiaohongshu and other social platforms can apply for free round-trip tickets for the Huangshizhai cableway in the company office. It is understood that since the beginning of spring, nearly a thousand plum trees in the Huangshizhai Plum Garden in Zhangjiajie have been competing to bloom. A beautiful scenery in the scenic spot. Photograph by Deng Daoli

▼流光溢彩武陵源,夜色如画。张洪涛 摄 Ambilight Wulingyuan, the night is picturesque. Photograph by Zhang Hongtao

◀夕阳西下,晚霞映红天地,让溪口古镇澧水大桥头的五狮楼尽显雄伟壮观。郝继铭 摄 As the sun sets, the sky and the earth are illuminated by the sunset glow, which makes the Five Lions Tower at the head of the Lishui Bridge in the ancient town of Xikou look majestic. Photograph by Hao Jiming

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