


正月初六天气晴好,作者在慈利县城郊澧水河边走边看,发现笔架山下有一处闲暇时间散心的好地方。 郝继铭 摄 The weather was fine on the sixth day of the first lunar month. Walking along the Lishui River in the outskirts of Cili County, I found a good place to relax in my spare time at the foot of Bijia Mountain. Photographed by Hao Jiming

春节假期,张家界大峡谷玻璃桥成为热门旅游目的地。 吴勇兵 摄 During the Spring Festival holiday, Zhangjiajie Grand Canyon Glass Bridge has become a popular tourist destination. Photographed by Wu Yongbing

元月27日,春节假期最后一天,游客在天子山景区游览。 张洪涛 摄 On January 27, the last day of the Spring Festival holiday, tourists visited Tianzi Mountain Scenic Area. Photograph by Zhang Hongtao

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