


◀桑植县五道水镇芭茅溪村花木湖的溪水,甘甜醇正,滋润心田。得天独厚的好山好水,被“伯乐”农夫山泉看中,正待开发中。 向金次 摄 The stream of Huamu Lake in Bamaoxi Village, Wudaoshui Town, Sangzhi County is sweet and mellow, nourishing the heart. Bole Nongfu Spring feels satisfied with the advantaged good mountains and good water, which are to be developed. Photographed by Xiang Jinci

◀12月14日,武陵源区黄龙洞景区附近的杨家坪居住小区,一棵古银杏树在冬日暖阳照射下熠熠生辉,宛若满树黄金,十分壮观迷人。 邓道理 摄 On December 14, an ancient ginkgo tree in Yangjiaping residential quarter nearby Huanglong Cave scenic area, Wulingyuan District, shines brightly in the warm winter sun and looks like full of gold, very spectacular and charming. Photographed by Deng Daoli

▲冬日下的慈利琵琶花海树木依旧葱绿盎然。黄岳云 摄 In winter, the Cili Pipa flower sea trees are still green. Photographed by Huang Yueyun

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