


◀贺龙公园位于张家界市天子山风景区,是1986年为纪念贺龙元帅诞辰90周年而兴建的一所融自然风景与人文景观于一体的公园。公园内有一尊贺龙铜像,高6.5米、重9吨多。还有贺龙纪念馆、兵器陈列馆(作战飞机、坦克)、民俗风情园以及数处观看天子山自然景观最好的观景台等。 邓道理 摄  The He Long Park is located in the Tianzi Mountain scenic area, Zhangjiajie City, it is a part integrated with natural landscape and human landscape built for the 90th anniversary of the birth of Marshal He Long in 1986. There is a bronze statue of He Long in the park, which is 6.5 meters high and more than 9 tons heavy. In addition, there is a memorial of He Long, a weapon museum (operational aircrafts, tanks), a folk custom park and several best sightseeing stands for viewing the natural landscape of the Tianzi Mountain.   Photographed by Deng Daoli

▲11月9日傍晚,一轮红日悬挂在慈利县城紫园小区上空,美轮美奂。  郝继铭 摄  In the evening of November 9, a red sun is hanging in the sky above the Zi Yuan Community, Cili County Town, what a beautiful scene. Photographed by Hao Jiming

◀11月10日,缆车在色彩斑斓的张家界武陵源景区天子山峰林间穿行,蔚蓝的天空下宛如一幅美丽的天然画卷。 吴勇兵 摄  November 10, the cable cars are going through the Tianzi Mountain peak forest of the multicolored Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan scenic spot, like a beautiful natural painting in the blue sky. Photographed by Wu Yongbing

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