10月20日,在慈利县零溪镇汪家桥村,农民驾驶农机收割水稻(无人机拍摄)。金秋十月,在田间地头,众多农民正在抓紧时间收割作物,“绘”出一幅幅美丽的秋收图景。 满煌 摄 October 20, Wangjiaqiao Village, Lingxi Town, Cili County, farmers drive agricultural machines to harvest paddy rice (shot by drone). Numerous farmers are harvesting crops quickly in the fields in October of golden autumn, DRAWING beautiful prospects of autumn harvest. Photographed by Man Huang
走进桑植八大公山国家级自然保护区斗篷山,感受多彩的广袤无垠的林海初冬景色。置身于森林原野中,好像进入了五彩缤纷的世界。 向金次 摄 Walking into the state-level natural protection area Doupeng Mountain, Badagong Mountain, Sangzhi, to feel the colorful and vast early winter scenery of immense forest. Staying in the forest field is like getting in a multicolored world. Photographed by Xiang Jinci
10月25日傍晚,慈利县城西边,夕阳前一抹染红的暮云,形成一幅颇具诗意的画面。 郝继铭 摄 In the evening of October 25, to the west of Cili County Town, an evening cloud is reddened in front of the setting sun, forming a poetic picture. Photographed by Hao Jiming