桑植县龙潭坪镇红军村云头山下,有一股山泉从石缝中喷涌而出,特别的是从各个不同的地方流出,故把这里称作——百眼泉。 向金次 摄 At the foot of the Yuntou Mountain, Hongjun Village, Longtanping Town, Sangzhi County, a spring jets out of swallets, especially from different places, so this place is known as A-Hundred-Eye Spring. Photographed by Xiang Jinci
秋日的张家界宝峰湖景区,山花烂漫,吸引人们纷至沓来。 吴勇兵 摄 The flowers spread over the Zhangjiajie Baofeng Lake scenic spot in autumn, attracting people to come in a continuous stream. Photographed by Wu Yongbing