


▶8月20日,在张家界国家森林公园金鞭溪,成群结队的野生猕猴有的玩耍嬉戏,有的纳凉休憩,有的游泳戏水,尽情享受着酷热下的清凉,样子憨态可掬。 吴勇兵 摄 August 20, Jinbian Stream, Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, some of wild macaques play around, some enjoy the cool and have a rest, and some swim, enjoying the cool in the hot summer, they look so cute. Photographed by Wu Yongbing

▲8月12日清晨,东方刚泛鱼肚白,在慈利县澧水河畔,两只白鹭迎着朝霞翩翩起舞,不时发出呼唤同伴的叫声。流水声、鸟叫声,犹如一曲交响曲让清晨中的澧水河开始热闹起来。 黄岳云 摄

In the early morning of August 12, the sunlight as white as fish belly just shows up in the east, on the bank of Li River in Cili County, two egrets are dancing towards the rising sun, they make sound to call fellows at times. The bicker and birdcall sound like a symphony, making the Li River in the early morning lively.

Photographed by Huang Yueyun


邓道理 摄

August 23 to 25, Day Day Up, a brand program of Hunan TV, produces "Riding in Zhangjiajie" in the Wulingyuan District, demonstrates the fascination and mien of the natural and human landscape of Zhangjiajie, and welcomes the first convention on Hunan tourism growth. The picture shows the presenter Wang Han (second from left back) and guests Hu Haiquan (first from left back) and Sha Baoliang (third from left back) are checking in "the most beautiful riding road" Wulingyuan color highway with some motorcyclists during riding.

Photographed by Deng Daoli

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