


▲位于慈利县北部的道人山海拔近700米,十余台风力发电机与青山绿水美景融为一体的景观成为备受市民、摄影家、网友青睐的“网红打卡点”。 寇彪 摄 The Daoren Mountain in the northern part of Cili County is nearly 700 meters above sea level. The landscape where more than ten wind driven generators are integrated with the beautiful scenery of green mountains and waters has become an "Internet celebrity check-in point" favored by citizens, photographers and netizens. Photographed by Kou Biao

▶不上黄石寨,枉到张家界。黄石寨作为张家界核心景区最大的凌空观景台,不仅峰林日出蔚为壮观,峰林晚霞也十分神奇壮美。图为8月9日傍晚,几名游客在黄石寨神来峰欣赏张家界日落晚霞美景。 邓道理 摄 If you don't go to Huangshizhai, you will go to Zhangjiajie in vain. Huangshizhai, as the largest sky viewing platform in the core scenic area of Zhangjiajie, not only the sunrise of the peak forest is spectacular, but the sunset of the peak forest is also very magical and magnificent. The picture shows that on the evening of August 9, several tourists enjoyed the beautiful sunset in Zhangjiajie at Shenlai Peak in Huangshizhai. Photographed by Deng Daoli

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