


▲近日,游人乘坐观光电车在张家界景区十里画廊游玩。三月的十里画廊,野生樱花在峰峦秀水间缤纷绽放,花香四溢,美丽的景色吸引了众多游客前来踏青赏花。 吴勇兵 摄

Recently, tourists ride in sightseeing electric cars running around the Shili Gallery of Zhangjiajie scenic spot. In the Shili Gallery of March, the wild sakura blossoms among the peaks and waters, the floral scent wafts everywhere, the beautiful scene attracts numerous tourists to have an outing and enjoy the flowers. Photographed by Wu Yongbing

◀ 近日,张家界天子山景区在晨光照射下宛如人间仙境。厚厚的云层宛如贪睡的小孩,平躺在山峰之间久久不愿离去。 周建鑫 摄

Recently, the Zhangjiajie Tianzi Mountain scenic spot looks like a wonderland of the world in the light of the morning sun. The thick clouds look like an asleep kid lying among the peaks and unwilling to leave. Photographed by Zhou Jianxin

◀近日,慈利县零溪镇上千亩油菜花竞相绽放,金黄色的花海将乡村田野涂抹成了一幅幅生趣盎然的山水田园画,赏花游客纷至沓来。 黄岳云 摄

Recently, a thousand mus of rape flowers blossom in Lingxi Town, Cili County, the golden sea of flowers paints the rural fields as vivid landscape pastorals, the flower visitors come in a continuous stream. Photographed by Huang Yueyun

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