


近日,随着气温回升,永定区王家坪伞家湾村农民抢抓农时开展农业生产,田间地头一派农忙景象。 吴光明 摄 Recently, as the air temperature rises, the farmers from Sanjiawan Village, Wangjiaping, Yongding District rush in agricultural production in the farming season, the field is full of busy scenes。 Photographed by Wu Guangming

连日来,慈利县琵琶花海的樱花、桃花逐渐进入盛花期,登高远望,游人如织,满园都是一派春意盎然的景象。 黄岳云 摄 Recently, the cherry blossom and peach blossom in the Pipa Sea of Flowers of Cili County get in the stage of full bloom gradually, looking far into the distance from a height, the tourists shuttle back and forth, the whole garden is full of spring atmosphere。 Photographed by Huang Yueyun

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