


12月6日,张吉怀高铁正式开通运营,将为大湘西地区各族人民共同富裕插上腾飞的翅膀。图为吉首市三名苗家阿婆高兴地用手机记录首趟高铁开到家门口的历史瞬间。 邓道理 摄 December 6th, the operation of Zhangjiajie-Jishou-Huaihua high-speed railway has been officially opened, this will add in the take-off wings for the common prosperity of the people of all ethnic groups in the western Hunan region. The picture shows Jishou City three Miao family old women gladly record the historical moment of the first high-speed train running to their doors with mobile phones. Photographed by Deng Daoli

亿万年前的大海,如今已形成巍然群山,乘坐黄石寨索道漫游其中,仿佛乘坐了时光机,回到了史前时光。这种奇妙的感觉,只有亲身体验过的人才明白。 吴勇兵 摄 In the sea from hundreds of millions of years ago, now the towering mountains have been formed, taking the Huangshi village cableway roaming among them, as if to ride a time machine, going back to the prehistoric time. This wonderful feeling, only those who have experienced it personally understand it. Photographed by Wu Yongbing

黄石水库地跨慈利、桃源两县,环境优美,一库清水碧波荡漾,沿岸青山倒映水中,船行水上如入画中。不少游客慕名前来游览观光,徜徉在黄石水库的山水间,乐而忘返。 杨柳青 摄

Huangshi Reservoir crosses two counties of Cili and Taoyuan, beautiful environment, a reservoir of clear water is rippling, coastal green hills reflect the water, the boat on the water is like in the painting. Many tourists come for sightseeing, wander in the landscape of Huangshi Reservoir, enjoy themselves so much that they doesn't want to come back.

Photographed by Yang Liuqing


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