


冬游张家界,感恩全中国。12月1日起,武陵源等景区门票开始执行为期3个月的冬季价格,欢迎各地游客。另外随着张吉怀高铁的开通,到武陵源冬游也将更加快捷便利。图为一批游客初冬季节出游武陵源杨家界景区。 邓道理 摄 Winter tour in Zhangjiajie, thanksgiving to the whole China. Since December 1st, the tickets of Wulingyuan and other scenic spots start the execution of a 3-month winter price; welcome the tourists from all over the world. In addition, along with the opening of Zhangjiajie-Jishou-Huaihua high-speed railway, the winter tour to Wulingyuan will also be faster and more convenient. The picture shows a group of tourists travel to Wulingyuan Yangjiajie scenic area in early winter season. Photographed by Deng Daoli

百龙天梯位于袁家界景区,采用双层全暴露轿厢设计,2002年4月投入使用。垂直高差335米,运行高度326米,运行速度5.25米/秒。自运行以来,先后获得IAID“国际十大人工景观工程”、“世界11大创意电梯”等美誉。 吴勇兵 摄 Bailing High Elevator is located in Yuanjiajie Scenic Spot, designed with double-deck fully exposed cabinet, came into service in April 2002. Vertical elevation difference 335m, running height 326m, running speed 5.25m/s. Since running, it successively obtained good fame IAID ”top ten international artificial landscape projects”, ” world top 11 creative elevators” and so on. Photographed by Wu Yongbing

龙峰公园位于笔架山麓的慈利县零阳镇龙峰村,与琵琶州遥遥相望,似怀抱琵琶抚弦之姿。 寇彪 摄 Longfeng Park is located in Longfeng Village of Lingyang town of Cili County at the foot of Bijia Mountain, far away from the Pipazhou, like the embrace of the pipa caressing the strings. Photographed by Kou Biao

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