


Ancient rhyme of landscape·Full red colors in Xikou


溪口镇位于张家界市慈利县西南部,因九渡溪、杜家溪交汇入澧水而得名。目前,该镇党委政府以打造“山水古韵,红满溪口”为目标,力争通过深度开发红色资源,把溪口打造成革命传统教育基地、爱国主义教育基地、党性锻炼基地,加速推进“红色文旅小镇”建设,成为张家界的一张闪亮名片。 徐敏 摄

A tree is standing in the area of Xikou Town, Cili County of Zhangjiajie City, this is an ancient camphor tree, and was named as "Red Army Tree" because in 1935 He Long and Xiao Ke took in and reorganized a farmers revolutionary team under this tree. It has been recording the history by means of its own rings circle by circle, as time goes, together with mountains and rivers, although full of vicissitudes of life, but often green, growing greener and fresher. In addition to this tree, in Xikou Town there are also three provincial cultural relic protection units, namely former sites of Red Army Hospital, Sovet Xikou District Government and Red 2nd and 6th Corps Headquarters as well as landscape of Mianhua Mountain Resistance War Site and so on.

Xikou Town is located in Southwest of Cili County of Zhangjiajie City, and named because Jiudu Rivulet and Dujiahao Rivulet meet into the Lishui River. At present, the Town Party Committee and Government are making the “Ancient rhyme of landscape· Full red colors in Xikou” as target, work hard for that Xikou will become a revolutionary tradition education base, a patriotism education base and a party spirit training base through deep development of red resources, to accelerate progress of construction of “red cultural tourism town”, and to become a shining name card in Zhangjiajie. Photographed by Xu Min

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