


武陵山大道是市城区通往核心景区的主要通道,也是一条景观大道,一路与美景相伴,不时还穿行在云雾中,如临仙境。 周建鑫 摄 Wulingshan Avenue is the main thoroughfare from the urban area to the core scenic spot, as well as a landscape avenue, accompanied by beautiful scenes all the way, sometimes passing through the cloud and mist, as if in a wonderland. Photographed by Zhou Jianxin

在永定区大坪镇天门溪村,有几棵古银杏依山(七星山)伴水,在秋风的吹拂下,金黄的银杏随风飞舞,漫步其中,仿佛是走进了画里,而你,就是画中最美的人。 刘波 摄 In Tianmenxi Village, Daping Town, Yongding District, several ancient maidenhair trees are situated near a mountain (Qixing Mountain) and water, the golden maidenhair tree leaves dance in the autumn wind. Wandering in this scene is like walking in a picture, and you are the most beautiful person in the picture. Photographed by Liu Bo

在慈利县苗市镇麻王村,不仅能看到绝美的山水风光,还能感受悠久的历史文化底蕴。这里广泛流传着“平寇先锋捐躯蛮王城”的故事,现在村里还留有一些依稀可见的历史古迹。 寇彪 摄 In Mawang Village, Miaoshi Town, Cili County, you not only see the beautiful landscape, but also feel the historical cultural details. Here the story of “Pingkou Pioneer sacrificed his life to Manwang City” circulates from mouth to mouth, now there are some barely discernable historic spots in the village. Photographed by Kou Biao


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