


近日,张家界市出现连续多日的晴热天气,素有"百里画廊"之称的茅岩河风景区水上漂流休闲游览项目备受游人青睐。图为游人在张家界市茅岩河风景区体验漂流项目。 吴勇兵 摄 It is sunny and hot in Zhangjiajie City, these days, the drifting recreational program in the Maoyanhe scenic area known as the "Baili Gallery" is the tourists' favorite. The picture shows the tourists are experiencing the drifting program in the Maoyanhe scenic area, Zhangjiajie City . Photographed by Wu Yongbing

新装上线的“学习强国”号观光电车整体明亮、设计新颖,以红色为主色调,与青山绿水遥相呼应,载着游客在如画山水间穿梭。 “坐‘学习强国’号观光电车,赏十里画廊迷人风景,不虚此行!”游客李先生竖起了大拇指。 十里画廊是张家界武陵源精华景区之一,有采药老人、三姐妹峰、寿星迎宾等知名景点,又是连接天子山、水绕四门的重要通道,深受广大游客青睐。曾入选《武陵源》邮票小型张,也是《天国恩仇》《捉妖记》等影视剧的主要取景地。 子元 摄 The newly decorated "Strengthen the Nation by Learning" sightseeing electric vehicle is bright, the design is novel, the main tone is red, echoing the green hills and blue waters, shuttling in the painting-like landscape with tourists. "Riding in the Strengthen the Nation by Learning sightseeing electric vehicle, enjoying the charming landscape of the Shili Gallery, what a worthy trip." tourist Li thumbs up. The Shili Gallery is one of the Zhangjiajie Wulingyuan essential scenic spots, it has such famous sight spots as the Old Herbalist, the Three-Sister Peak and the God of Longevity Welcomes Guests, and it is the important channel to the Tianzi Mountain and the Water Winds Through Four Gates, it is adored by the tourists. It was selected for the miniature sheet of Wulingyuan stamp, as well as the main site of the movies Betrayal and Revenge and Monster Hunt. Photographed by Zi Yuan

10月26日,一批游客在张家界国家森林公园参观游览。进入深秋以来,武陵源核心景区部分树叶泛黄变红,将张家界地貌峰林风光点缀得更加绚丽迷人,成为外地客人出游的主选地之一。 邓道理 摄 October 26, a group of tourists is visiting the Zhangjiajie National Forest Park. Since the coming of deep autumn, a part of leaves has turned yellow and red in the core scenic spot of Wulingyuan, making the peak forest scenery of Zhangjiajie more charming. It becomes one of the main destinations of the visitors from other places. Photographed by Deng Daoli


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