


◀ 在沅古坪镇五龙村,有一个水磨坊。随着现代农业的发展,这个曾经离不开的生产工具,已成为一个文化符号和那个时代的记忆。 大狼 摄 There is a water mill in Wulong Village, Yuanguping Town. With the development of modern agriculture, this tool of production which was ever indispensable has become a cultural symbol and the memory of that era. Photographed by Da Lang

▲ 在通往桑植县人潮溪镇廖城村的盘山公路上,遇到两根挨着的石峰,一高一矮,一胖一瘦,是当地人口中的“夫妻岩”。 碧霄 摄 On the winding mountain road to Liaocheng Village, Renchaoxi Town, Sangzhi County, there are two stone peaks close to each other, one high and one short, one fat and one thin, they are called the Couple Rocks by local people. Photographed by Bi Xiao

▶ 奇峰三千,秀水八百。在核心景区武陵源,不仅有举世无双的张家界地貌,还有美丽的索溪湖风光。 张洪涛 摄 Three thousand wonderful peaks, eight hundred elegant waters. In the core scenic spot Wulingyuan, there are the Zhangjiajie landform out of the world and the beautiful scenery of the Suoxi Lake. Photographed by Zhang Hongtao


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