◀在堡子界拍天门山时,为得到想要的照片效果,摄影师陈生平左手撑伞阻挡多余光线,右手迅速按下快门。 郑世华 摄 In Baozijie, for the desired photos of Tianmen Mountain, photographer Chen Shengping holds an umbrella in left hand to shield excessive light, and presses the shutter quickly with right hand. Photographed by Zheng Shihua
▶ 五六月间,天平山的野百合终于等来了属于它的季节。丛林间,一片一片,一丛一丛,花枝比人还高,散发着淡淡幽香。 碧宵 摄 In May and June, the slimstem lily of Tianping Mountain finally meets its season. There are blocks and clusters of it in the jungle, higher than man, emitting a faint fragrance. Photographed by Bi Xiao
◀ 六月的张家界已经燥热起来,而此时海拔较高的藏区还在飘雪。这不,这群张家界的户外爱好者们就自驾进藏看雪去了! 张新富 摄 Zhangjiajie has been hot and dry in June, whereas it's still snowing in the Tibetan area at a higher altitude. Look, this group of outdoor enthusiasts of Zhangjiajie is driving to Tibet for the snow. Photographed by Zhang Xinfu