

旅游复苏势头强,武陵源景区人气旺。十里画廊观光电车的网红“牛牛车”迎来许多游客打卡。 小德 摄 The tourism is reviving vigorously, the Wulingyuan scenic spot has attracted a lot of tourists. Many tourists come for the Internet famous "Niuniu Car" of Shili Gallery sightseeing electric vehicles. Photographed by Xiao De

夜幕降临,澧水两岸灯火辉煌。河面上,一层薄薄的平流雾让整个城市变得神秘起来。 胡卫衡 摄 The curtain of night is dropping, both banks of the Li River are ablaze with lights. On the river surface, a thin layer of advection fog makes the whole city mysterious. Photographed by Hu Weiheng


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