


近日,武陵源景区美丽的大氧吧广场迎来了一群旗袍爱好者。在风景如画的环境里走秀,对她们来说实在是一种享受。 周建鑫 摄 Recently, the beautiful large oxygen bar square in Wulingyuan scenic spot welcomed a group of cheong-sam fans, walking in the picturesque environment was really an enjoyment to them. Photographed by Zhou Jianxin

5月20日晚,张家界迎来首场无人机灯光秀。夜幕降临,城市上空变幻着各种不同的图案,一箭穿心、520、我爱张家界等造型,让人兴奋尖叫。 子元 摄 In the evening of May 20, Zhangjiajie welcomes the first drone light show. The curtain of night has fallen, different patterns change in the sky above the city, such as An Arrow Going Through the Heart, 520, I Love Zhangjiajie and so on, people are excited and screaming. Photographed by Zi Yuan

在慈利县城有一处城中“风景”——万和园德孝公园。傍晚,华灯初上,公园夜色甚是迷人,一派五彩斑斓。 寇彪 摄 There is an intown Landscape in Cili County Town, Wanheyuan Dexiao Park. In the evening, the lights are turned on, the park is so charming, what a colorful scenery. Photographed by Kou Biao

5月20日,在张家界魅力湘西文化广场举办的湘西女儿会,吸引了上千名来自全国各地的游客。 邓道理 摄 On May 20, the Xiangxi Daughters' Meeting held in Zhangjiajie Fascinating Xiangxi Culture Square attracted a thousand tourists from all parts of the country. Photographed by Deng Daoli


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