


Check in the "Qiankun Column"




守山人 摄

In Yuanjiajie scenic spot, Wulingyuan famous scenic area, there is a veritable Internet Famous Check-in Site, where the tourists from various parts of the world like taking pictures. It is the "Qiankun Column".

The Qiankun Column is one of the Three Thousand Odd Mountains of Zhangjiajie landform. Its height above sea level is 1,074 m, its vertical height is about 400 m. There is lush vegetation on the top, the mountain is in odd shape, the vertical joint cutting is apparent, it seems to be chopped and axed, standing between the heaven and earth, presenting an indomitable spirit, so it is named the "Qiankun Column".

In December of 2008, Hollywood cameraman Hansen performed a four-day exterior shooting in Zhangjiajie, a lot of materials became the prototype of various elements of the Pandora in the American science fiction movie "Avatar", and the Qiankun Column became the Hallelujah Mountain, i.e. the prototype of the floating mountain. As Avatar was shown all over the world, hundreds of millions of audience in the world yearned to get to Zhangjiajie, the prototype of the Hallelujah Mountain.

Photographed by Shou Shanren

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