远处,数台挖机正在作业;近处,一架飞机驶入。正在加快扩建的荷花机场,将为张家界旅游的腾飞插上翅膀。 周建鑫 摄 In the distance, several excavators are working. Nearby, an aeroplane is coming. Hehua Airport under accelerated extension will wing the rise of Zhangjiajie tourism. Photographed by Zhou Jianxin
读万卷书,行万里路。近日,张家界旅游职业学校旅游管理专业的学生们走进湖南各景区,开展社会实践。 胡魁 摄 Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles. Recently, the students from the tourism management specialty of Zhangjiajie Vocational School of Tourism walk into the scenic spots in Hunan to carry out social practice. Photographed by Hu Kui
打卡长沙网红新地标铜官窑古镇,灯火阑珊处的古镇在五彩球的映衬下,格外迷人。 吴金珍 摄 Checking in Tongguanyao Ancient Town, a new on-line popular landmark of Changsha, the ancient town in the dim light is particularly charming with the setoff of colorful balls. Photographed by Wu Jinzhen