


上有冬雪下有梅,近日,张家界国家森林公园里的黄石寨景区迎来了第一批踏雪赏梅的游人。 邓道理 摄 There are plums under the winter snow. Recently, Huangshi Stockaded Village Scenic Area in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park welcomed in the first batch of tourists to enjoy plum in the snow. Photo by Deng Daoli

在通往海拔1388米的中央仙山途中,路旁一条天然瀑布在寒潮的影响下变成了一道壮观的冰挂景观。 精怪 摄 On the way to the Central Fairy Mountain, which is 1388 meters above sea level, a natural waterfall beside the road becomes a spectacular ice hanging landscape under the influence of the cold wave. Photo by Jing Guai

在上个月举办的世界自然遗产大展中,孩子们第一次“走进”南门口历史图片。图中,小孩变大,大人变小,十分有趣。 本报记者 潘鑫 In the World Natural Heritage Exhibition held last month, the children "walked into" the historical pictures of the South Gate for the first time. In the picture, children become bigger and adults become smaller, which is very interesting. Photo by Pan Xin


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