





平日里,她就在“琴棋书画诗酒花”里过着古风禅意的生活。无论是文字还是生活,都透着一种难能可贵的沉静。 文/安蓝 图/林柒廘

A while watching the moon in Zhongnan Mountain, a while to listen to the piano in Suzhou, and a while meeting with friends in Zhangjiajie, the greatest charm of the youn2g writer "Lucy" is not in the words, but live out of herself.

She worked in the media in Zhangjiajie, published the book "Wish Your Heart to be Comfort at Present due to far Mountains ", and held sharing meetings in many places across the country, with nearly 100,000 fans on the whole network. She is also a photographer and has served as a follow-up photographer for the famous dancer Yang Liping many times. Her photography style is ancient and beautiful, and her artistic conception is far-reaching. Now, she has set up a media studio.

On weekdays, she lives an ancient Zen life in "piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and wine". Whether it is text or life, is showing a kind of rare calm.

Written by An Lan, photo by Lin QiLu

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