


在海拔1918米的斗篷山,生长着一棵1500年的古树。冬天来了,脱下一身“绿衣”的它成了另一种模样。 向金次 摄 On Doupeng Mountain with 1,918 meters above sea level, there is a 1500-year-old tree. Winter is here, and it has taken off its “green coat” and it has become a different look. Photo by Xiang Jinci

在美丽乡村马儿山,孩子们在暖阳里撒起欢来,追逐,嬉闹,吹泡泡,尽情享受纯真的童年。 本报记者 潘鑫 摄 In the beautiful countryside of Ma'er Mountain, the children are playing in the warm sun, chasing, frolicking, blowing bubbles and enjoying their innocent childhood. Photo by our reporter, Pan Xin

建市30余年的张家界是一座年轻充满活力的城市。从小就生活在这里的人,能深刻感受到城市变化的日新月异。 郑亚平 摄 Zhangjiajie, which was founded more than 30 years ago, is a young and vibrant city. People who have lived here since childhood can deeply feel the rapid changes in the city. Photo by Zheng Yaping


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