


The Night of The Ancient City

有些回忆,是用来遗忘的。而有些地方,要在心里住一辈子。天门山下,澧水河边,老大庸的记忆正随着大庸古城的建设慢慢回来。于夜色中,于月光下,于人海里,座座吊脚小楼,诉说着土家族千年传承,谱写着神秘生命的传奇。大庸古城里,有醉人的故事,有美丽的风景,有大庸人抹不去的记忆。你看到的,会是你梦里都不曾有过的光景。不论来与不来,她就在这里,只为邂逅那个你。 图/彭立平 文/金鑫

Some memories are used to forget。 But for some places, you have to live in your heart for a lifetime。 Under Tianmen Mountain, beside the Lishui River, the memory of Old Dayong is slowly returning with the construction of Dayong Ancient City。 In the night, in the moonlight, in the sea of people, there are small stilted buildings, telling the thousand-year heritage of the Tujia people, and writing the legend of mysterious life。 In the ancient city of Dayong, there are intoxicating stories, beautiful scenery, and memories that Dayong people cannot erase。 What you see will be spectacle you never had in your dreams。 Whether you come or not, she is here just to meet you。 Photo by Peng Liping, written by Jin Xin

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