


▲张家界人秦啸尘是吉他手工制作技艺民间高手。年近半百、回归田园的他,常常在田间地头弹唱。近日,他正在为茅岩河景区精心制作一把“心湖”吉他。    周芦屾 摄  Qin Xiaochen, a native of Zhangjiajie, is a folk master in guitar hand-making. He, who was nearly half a hundred years old and returned to the countryside, often played and sang in the fields. Recently, he is making a "Heart Lake" guitar for Maoyan River Scenic Area.     Photo by Zhou Lushen

▲近日,酷狗音乐来张家界拍摄《你莫走》竖屏MV,借助《你莫走》网络爆红的影响力和海量线上流量宣传张家界,助推张家界旅游加快复苏。 周阿水 摄 Recently, Kugou Music came to Zhangjiajie to shoot the vertical-screen MV of “Don't leave”, with the help of the online celebrity influence of “Don't leave” and the massive online traffic to promote Zhangjiajie, and help to accelerate the recovery of Zhangjiajie tourism.     Photo by Zhou Ashui

◀随着跨省团队旅游的恢复,武陵源各大景区旅游人气渐旺。图为游人在武陵源百龙天梯中站平台游玩。 吴勇兵 摄 With the recovery of inter-provincial team tourism, the tourist popularity of major scenic areas in Wulingyuan has become increasingly popular. The picture shows tourists playing on the Middle Station platform of Wulingyuan Bailong High Ladder. Photo by Wu Yongbing

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