


炎炎夏日,金鞭溪成为许多游客、市民休闲避暑的好去处。一对母子正在休息时,一只猴子跑过来讨要零食,人猴和谐,萌趣横生。 本报记者 潘鑫 摄 In the hot summer, Jinbian Stream has become a good place for tourists and citizens to spend their summer vacation. When a mother and her son are resting, a monkey ran over to ask for snacks, harmonious human and monkey is cute fun. Photo by our reporter, Pan Xin

武陵源,因拥有世界独有的“张家界地貌”,而成为世人向往的旅游目的地,也成为海内外摄影人采风的主选地。这不,7月5日天子山景区就迎来了一批女摄影人,她们用长“枪”短“炮”聚焦着眼前神奇独特的峰林风光。 邓道理 摄 Wulingyuan, because of its unique "Zhangjiajie landform" in the world, has become the world's longing tourist destination, and has also become the main choice for photographers at home and abroad. On July 5, the Tianzi Mountain Scenic Area welcomed a group of female photographers who used long "guns" and short "guns" to focus on the magical and unique scenery of the peaks and forests in front of them. Photo by Deng Daoli

雨后初晴,气候多变的天门山上被浓浓的云雾覆盖。下午时分,好不容易等来玉壶峰“真面容”出现的游客激动不已,抢抓时机摆出造型与它合影。 本报记者 李成义 摄 Early after the rain, it is clear, and the climatically variable Tianmen Mountain is covered by thick clouds. In the afternoon, the tourists waiting for the appearance of "true face" of Yuhu Peak are so excited, they grabbed the opportunity to pose for a photo with it. Photo by our reporter, Li Chengyi

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