


聂景明是武陵源核心景区的猕猴管理员。20多年来,他早起晚归,穿梭在沟坎峰林之间寻找猕猴踪迹,观察猴群生存状态并做好巡查保护,定期投食喂养,与猴群结下了深厚感情。 吴勇兵 龚素禾 摄

Nie Jingming is a macaque administrator of Wulingyuan Scenic Area. For more than 20 years, he got up early and returned late, shuttled the gorge, peaks and forests to find the macaques, observed the survival status of the monkeys and made good inspection and protection, regularly fed them, and formed a deep bond with the monkeys.

Photo by Wu Yongbing and Gong Suhe

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